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Descubre 1 Pdf

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  1. Descubre Level 1 Pdf
Lección Uno Quizlet Sets
To join Ms. Ruddock's quizlet class 'Espanol Uno Ruddock' go to and create an account. By joining the class this will allow you to compete against classmates for free homework coupons and receive credit for your work in the lab. Click on the link for step-by-step instructions to Register for Quizlet and to also create your own quizlet sets.
Username: firstnamelastname ***No caps No Spaces!!! You can change your username one time under settings
Password: studentid# with the first letter of your first name!

Here is a list of practice activities from the internet for additional practice!
  • 85% or higher LEARN MODE Los días de la semana
  • 85% or higher LEARN MODE Pronombres Personales
  • 85% or higher LEARN MODE Las Palabras Interrogativas:

1.1Nouns and articles
  • Explanation only Learn about Nouns and Articles
  • Singular to Plural
  • Masculino to Femenina
  • Explanation & practice
1.2 Numbers 0-30
  • Listening activity
1.3 Presente Ser
  • Who wants to be a millionaire
1.4 La Hora
  • Listening activity
Lección Uno YouTube Videos
With the help of her students, Ms. Ruddock is working to create YouTube videos for all key lessons for each section of each chapter. YouTube Videos are all on a Spanish I Playlist that you are welcome to follow. Then you will be notified whenever I add a video. Use the videos to catch up when you are absent, to reinforce what you hear in-class or to study for quizzes and tests. PLEASE DO PROVIDE ME WITH FEEDBACK! This is a major job to keep this updated so please do let me know if you find an irrelevant or lame video and I will delete or we will re-record. I thank you for your help in this endevor.
  1. Descubre I Lección 1 Frases útiles Profesora Ruddock TBD This is a flashito review for the useful classroom phrases.
  2. Descubre I Lección 1 Palabras Interrogativas Profesora Ruddock TBD This is a flashito review for the useful classroom phrases.
  3. Descubre I Lección 1 Contextos Profesora Ruddock TBD This is a flashito review for the key introductory vocabulary in Lección 1
  4. Descubre I Lección 1 Los días de la semana y los meses del año TBDThis is a video to review the days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish.We also recorded two songs for the days of the week and one for the months of the year to help remember the vocabulary for each.
  5. Descubre I 1.1 Los Articulos y Los Sustantivos Practica This is a short lesson where we reinforce the meaning of the new sustantivos (the orange column on page 38) We also practice on the whiteboards changing the nouns from singular to plural and definido to indefindo.
  6. Descubre I 1.1 Quiz Repaso Articulos, Gender with Nouns Spanish 1 ProfeRuddock This goes over some ways to use Hay as well as the answers to the entry task using question words. Watch the PART 1 video first. We will also begin working with how to ask and answer questions in Spanish. Spanish I
  7. Descubre I Leccion 1.1 Los Articulos Profesora Ruddock This video introduces articles for the first time. Lesson by Profesora Ruddock Cheney High School
  8. Descubre I 1.2 Palabras interrogativas, Hay PART 1 Spanish 1 Profesora RuddockThis video defines the verb Hay and ways to use it. It also reviews all of the question words (palabras interrogativas) orally and in writing. Here we also differenciate between cuanto, cuanta, cuantos, and cuantas. This also includes a practice entry task activity.Students practice deducing the question asked based on the answer provided. See part 2 for more ways to use hay correctly. .
  9. Descubre I 1.2 Palabras interrogativas, Hay PART 2 Entry task answers This goes over some ways to use Hay as well as the answers to the entry task using question words. Watch the PART 1 video first. We will also begin working with how to ask and answer questions in Spanish. Spanish I
  10. Descubre I Introduccion a la Conjugacion de Ser: This mini-lesson introduces the idea of conjugating verbs in Spanish. We start with the personal pronouns and then introduce the verb ser for the first time.
  11. Descubre I 1.3 Parte 1 SER, Pronombres Personales CP5 Spanish I Profesora Ruddock This video is a review of pronombres personales (personal pronouns) and the conjugation of the verb ser. It also goes over the directions and how to do CP5 (cuaderno de practica pagina 5) and present tenses of ser. Spanish I
  12. Descubre I 1.3 Parte 3 Los Usos de Ser y los usos de Ser Profesora Ruddock This lesson is part three on the series of section 1.3 of Descubre I. We begin association the question words (palabras interrogativas) to form questions for each of the uses of ser thus far. Students were given a worksheet (Practica para Preguntones..find it on Leccion 1 under my dropbox) where students have to deduce the question from the answer or the appropriate answer for the question. Each question is associated with a use of the verb ser.
  13. Preguntones Leccion 1 Jeopardy Un Repaso Profesora Ruddock Today's lesson is not the best video, but the practice is invaluable. This activity practices for five uses of ser (Identidad de una cosa, Identidad de una persona, Origen, Posesion, Profesion) Students are provided under each question with the answer and they have to write down the question asked..just like in jeopardy you must answer in the form of a question.
  14. Descubre I 1.4 La hora Introduccion y leccion Spanish 1 Profesora Ruddock This video will go over how to tell time, and the rules of telling time in Spanish. For additional help see section 1.4 in your textbook or watch the egg head tutorial on your vhl account.
  15. Descubre I 1.4 Repaso Quiz Reglas de la Hora Profesora Ruddock This video reviews 'Las reglas de la hora' the rules of time that we have established gramatically for time in Spanish. This is a quick cram session to watch right before the quiz. This first quiz on time is over the rules, the exceptions to the rules and telling what time it is RIGHT NOW! (Qué hora es).
  16. Descubre I Cumulative Exam Repaso la hora Profesora RuddockThis video offers an interactive review of the rules of time in spanish and telling time. As a class we first generate a list of the rules of time. We then review the answers from the entry task noting common errors. Finally, we practice using the whiteboards. Lesson by Profesora Ruddock Cheney High School
  17. Descubre I Entrevista #1-13 Profesora Ruddock Entrevista: Repaso#1-6 and detailed answers and explanations for 7-13 This lesson works on asking and answering questions from content learned in Descubre Chapter 1 Please pay attention to the grammar and pronunciation.
Remember students are responsible for both asking the questions and answering them in complete sentences without their notes. See parts two and three for the rest of the questions!
Detailed Explanation of the first oral assessment
Students will be performing their first formal oral assessment . This will be conducted in an interview style where students are asking the questions and the person being interviewed will answer. This activity is performed in conjuction with the entrevista worksheet that you have already completed and reviewed.
1. Each student in the group will pull three numbers out of the hat. Please take a moment to review the questions you drew and make sure you know how to correctly pronounce and ask the questions.
2. The person being interviewed is NOT PERMITTED TO USE NOTES OR THEIR WORKSHEET! Everyone else in the group will have their 'Entrevista' half sheet out. The numbers from the hat correspond to the questions on this sheet.
3.Next, each student not being interviewed will address questions to the interviewee. always have the right to ask your classmates to 'Repite por favor' o 'Más despacio por favor'
4. Each student while being interviewed will be asked three questions. The will be assessed by the teacher based on the provided rubric on a scale from 1-5 for each question. Please remember your social skills..everyone will be sweating and NO MEAN MUGS! Take off your 'I'm bored..or I'm cool' face and put on the teacher 'You can do this' face.
I, Ms. Ruddock, promise that no one has died thus far in my class from an oral presentation. You can do this!!
Think about how many times we have practiced and repeated in class J
Strategy for success: Instead of spacing out while your group members are being interviewed..use this time to practice what you would say in your head ¡Buena suerte!
Descubre second edition level 1 pdf

Descubre Level 1 Pdf

Nero 12 serial number. More than 75 resources for Descubre 1 in one place! Save 30% by purchasing this bundle! Any future products that I post for Descubre 1 will be added to this bundle.All of my Descubre 1 products are included in this bundle, including games, small group activities and puzzles for in-class use. 9/1 – 9/23 Chapter 1 9/26 – 11/4 Chapter 2 11/7 – 1/27 Chapter 3 1/30 – 4/13 Chapter 4 4/23 – 6/19 Descubre Lessons 1.1 – 1.4 Contextos Fotonovela 2.1 – 2.4 Contextos Fotonovela 3.1 – 3.4 Contextos Fotonovela 4.1 – 4.4 Contextos Fotonovela Concept Syllabus Geography Numbers 1-31 Colors ABCs. Relativistic quantum fields bjorken pdf converter.

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